The search found 197 results

Green rating, Spain

August 7, 2017

This is a tool developed by WWF with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agri

Pre estudio rehabilitacion energetica de viviendas, Spain

August 7, 2017

”Pre estudio rehabilitacion energetica de viviendas” is an excel tool that est

Guías Técnicas de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética en Climatización, Spain

August 7, 2017

Series of Technical Guidelines developed by IDAE, t

Aislamiento en edificación 1: Guía práctica de la energía para la rehabilitación de edificios. El aislamiento, la mejor solución, Spain

August 7, 2017

A divulgative guide directed to communities of neighbors and house owners on t

“Cómo ahorrar energía instalando domótica en su vivienda. Gane en confort y seguridad”, Spain

August 7, 2017

An informative guide directed to the citizens to make known the contribution o

Guia basica de redes de calor y frio, Spain

August 7, 2017

The purpose of this guide is to promote and disseminate the technology of dist