April 11, 2018

This handbook gives detailed description of the parameters that must have in mind when prepare and evaluate the public procurement for office equipment.

This handbook is based on EU GPP Criteria for Office IT Equipment. Available on Hungarian language, but if could be translated can be used from the public authorities in other EU countries.
Needs Addressed
• there are no long-term energy performance contracts in place in the public sector (art. 6)
• public procurement doesn't include life-cycle cost analysis (art. 6)
• there are no tools/frameworks in place to assist the public sector in the procurement of energy efficient building, products and services (art. 6)
• insufficient information on training possibilities (art. 17)
• insufficient information on technical tools (art. 17)
• lack of in-house expertise about technical tools (Art. 17)
• absence of other tools supporting energy efficiency measures development (art. 17)
• absence of support organisations in your territory addressing energy efficiency matters (art. 17)
• inadequate information on best energy efficiency practices (art. 17)
• insufficient in-house expertise about legal and administrative aspects (art. 17)
Validation/testing information
Király Zsuzsanna (kiraly@energiaklub.hu)