Heat Roadmap Europe - A low carbon heating & cooling strategy for Europe

In Europe, more heat is wasted during electricity production than is needed to heat all buildings. Therefore, the potential for improvements in the heating sector is immense. 

By collecting the wasted heat from both industry and electricity production and using smart district heating grids, it is possible to save all of the natural gas currently used for heating buildings in Europe This would result in not only monetary savings, but also in a consideration CO2 emissions reduction. 

iBRoad - Reports

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the iBRoad project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

This web page presents the reports published in the frame of this projects. You can find the following reports: 

  • Understanding Potential User Needs
  • The concept of the Individual Building Renovation Roadmap
  •  8 Country factsheets
  • Stakeholders mapping


iBRoad - Information material

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the iBRoad project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

Download the iBRoad project brochure and poster.

Panel2050 Guide for developing an Energy Vision

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the Panel2050 project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

This guiding document provides background and support for the process of developing a Local Energy Vision as a vital stage in a roadmapping process.

Energy management in cities, Croatia

The aim of this guide is to introduce users to the different ways of consume energy and how the efficiency of energy consumption can be improved. The guide provides a basis for initiating a process of improving energy efficiency in the buildings owned by cities and counties. This guide is a tool that helps to monitor and measure how energy is consumed and is focused on increasing the efficiency of energy consumption.