START2ACT Forum for Energy Efficiency

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the START2ACT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

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START2ACT E-learning

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the START2ACT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

START2ACT offers a wide range of interactive activities to managers and employees of young businesses.

They launched a special energy efficiency interactive E-learning platform that helps users improve their theoretical and practical knowledge on energy efficiency at work and at home.

START2ACT Knowledge base for Startups and young SMEs

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the START2ACT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

The mission of the START2ACT project is to support young SMEs and startups to save energy and cut costs at their workplace

START2ACT Knowledge base for Startups and young SMEs – tools and resources

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the START2ACT project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

The mission of the START2ACT project is to support young SMEs and startups to save energy and cut costs at their workplace

Energy and environmental management in public buildings in the City of Czestochowa, Poland

One of the activities significantly improving energy efficiency in Poland is the operational programme “Energy and environmental management in public buildings of Częstochowa City”.

Duurzaamheidsmeter Wijken (DZM Wijken), Belgium

The Duurzaamheidsmeter Wijken (DZM Wijken, Sustainability Meter for Neighborhoods) is a tool created by the Flemish government to support the planning, design, and implementation of a new sustainable (residential) neighborhood, and measure its sustainability. The tool can be used by the local government or a project developed.

Guideline on energy efficiency management in industrial enterprises, Bulgaria

The guideline can be used by energy managers, specialists from large companies and industrial systems having obligations under the EEA, SME to increase their EE. The guideline gives instructions how to collecting and analyzing information on energy consumption; practical actions for building, monitoring and improvement of energy management systems; implementation of measures to increase the EE of major groups of energy consumers; creation of system for energy monitoring.

Verlichtingsvisie Amsterdam (Plan), Netherlands

The municipality of Amsterdam has started to develop a 'public lighting vision' to combat light pollution and unnecessary light, and at the same time save energy. The 'plan of action' for this light vision provides many useful ideas for a light vision for Amsterdam and beyond. The main aspect is to characterize specific 'lighting typologies', where guiding principles are set for different types of environments (e.g.

Covenant capaCITY SEAP training tool

Capacity building of local government to take action regarding climate change and energy sources - from planning and action monitoring - is the primary goal of this tool. Capacity Covenant assumes development of communities powered by renewable energy across Europe. This support helps create chains of added value at regional level through improving energy efficiency and using renewable local energy sources.

Pellets energy calculator, Hungary

Pellets energy calculator- The energy calculator is intended to provide  information about the cost difference between conventional fuels and the use  of pellet firing. The calculation determines the approximate heat demand of the building and the annual specific energy consumption of specific geometry of the building, the general data of the thermal boundary and structures.
Thus, the heat demand calculation is only an accurate order of merit, however, sufficient energy prices differencing exact branch enter the expected heating costs.