Empowering Capacity Building needs analysis and mapping of regional and municipal capabilities

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the Empowering project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. 

The Capacity Building Needs Assessment (CBNA) is performed to collect information from Local Energy Board (LEB) organizations on what are their needs in terms of capacity building for sustainable energy planning and implementing, as well as their current status regarding the topics envisaged by EMPOWERING project.

Energy saving in schools Bielsko-Biala, Poland

It is crucial to motivate citizens already at an early age to adopt energy efficient behaviours –especially children can then e.g. motivate their parents at home to do the same and follow what they have learnt in school.

RETscreen, Canada

RETScreen® International is a free, universal tool developed in collaboration with many government, industry and university experts. The program is managed and has ongoing support from Canmore ENERGY at the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources. On the territory of Poland, training for users is led by the Foundation for Energy Efficiency. The organization is the translator of educational materials available at www.retscreen.net. There is also a free e-learning course available at www.e-szkolenia.fewe.pl.