February 4, 2018

VITO and the Flemish Ministry of Environment, Nature, and Energy (LNE) have developed a tool that support municipalities in establishing their 'baseline emission inventory' (BEI) or 'monitoring emission inventory' (MEI), as defined for the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), by the Covenant of Mayors. The tool focuses on the emission sources that are required to be reported under the Covenant as well as a few optional emission sources that may be relevant (agriculture, industry, and electricity production).

In general, the tool helps to calculate CO2 emissions per sector based on activities and emission factors. The calculation tool has been created in Excel. There is a related tool on measures for the SEAP.

The tool could be also applied in other regions and countries. The tool includes pre-entered data on the Flanders situation, but this can be adapted.
Needs Addressed
• insufficient information on training possibilities (art. 17)
• lack of in-house expertise about technical tools (art. 17)
• support organizations have insufficient competency and knowledge (art. 17)
• individual public bodies aren't aware of their progress towards their energy efficiency targets (art. 24)
Validation/testing information
Dipartimento dell'ambiente, natura ed energia (beleid@lne.vlaanderen.be)