August 3, 2018

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the TrustEE project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

Project developers and industry owners face challenges financing energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) projects, including insufficient credit, risk mitigation issues, and high transaction costs relative to capital requirements. 

TrustEE standardises project preparation and then refinances energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Our goal is to allow project developers to realise the vast potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy across Europe. Together we can meet Europe's future industrial process heating needs with clean energy. 

In the Library and reports section, you will have access to the reports on the project deliverables such as: 

  • Status of process heating in Europe: Sectors, processes, distribution, systems, and sources
  • Conventional and process heat efficiency and sustainability (PHES) production: Technologies, system layouts, and renewable energy resources
  • Comprehensive analysis of funding mechanisms
  • Industrial supplier and end-user (owner) contract templates
Needs Addressed
Project developers and industry owners face challenges financing energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) projects, including insufficient credit, risk mitigation issues, and high transaction costs relative to capital requirements.