Energy Efficiency Directive: Information and Training (as it relates to Article 17)

Aislamiento en edificios 2: Guías Técnicas para la Rehabilitación de la Envolvente Térmica de los Edificios, Spain

Collection of technical guides focused on each type of insulation material. They are complementary to the general information provided by the previous Divulgative Guide and are aimed at professionals in the building sector, with more detailed information on the technical level.

Aislamiento en edificación 1: Guía práctica de la energía para la rehabilitación de edificios. El aislamiento, la mejor solución, Spain

A divulgative guide directed to communities of neighbors and house owners on thermal refurbishment of buildings. The guide explains what is a thermal refurbishment with isolation, when it can and should be done, what buildings are susceptible to a refurbishment, practical advice and how to apply for the available aids. The last chapter contains a case study of a real example.

La Comunidad Eficiente 2.0, Spain

This is a tool developed by WWF with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Fundación Biodiversidad. It is aimed at estimating in a simplified way the energy consumption in the household. The objective is to contribute to boost the market for energy rehabilitation of buildings and the promotion of renewable energies through distributed generation and self-consumption.