Panel2050 Tool for developing a Regional Energy Profile

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the Panel2050 project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

This Excel tool presents a methodology for devising a Regional Energy Profile – an energy baseline on regional/local level – and offers a standardised presentation of the results.

EmBuild Template for public sector renovation strategies

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the EmBuild project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. 

EmBuild Standardised report for detailed analysis of buildings

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the EmBuild project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. 

Sustainco Tool Kit

The Sustainco project aims to increase the visibility and understanding of the Near Zero Energy Building (NZEB) philosophy, with special emphasis on rural areas. This will be done by providing easy access to practical information on how to build or retrofit buildings to reach NZEB standards. SustainCo also aims to increase the visibility of front-runners, for both new-build and retrofits, with the aim of capacity- and confidence-building in the public sector. To find out more, check out our Toolkits and case studies, which you will find in the menu to the right.

RE-SEEties energy forecasting tool

The RE-SEEties tool is a set of energy forecasting equations that was developed by CRES in the framework of the RE-SEEties project (SEE Programme). Its aim is to estimate future energy needs which can be fed into the ICLEI tool in order to calculate emissions also for future years. For the residential, commercial and transport sectors a series of equations have been developed by CRES to estimate future needs. If necessary longer term projections correction of emission factors may also be provided.

INSMART City Energy System Model

 The INSMART methodology was developed in the INSMART FP7 Smart City project. The objective is to use a scientifically sound approach in developing Sustainable Energy Action plans a city level. The methodology covers all the energy consumption sectors within a city (buildings, transport, municipal buildings, other uses) and local energy generation (solar water heaters, PV systems etc).

EnPC-INTRANS training material-model contracts

The objective of the EnPC-INTRANS is to develop local capacities of the public sector at the level of municipalities to set up and use EnPC models for financing of their investments in EE improvements of public municipalities and services. EnPC-INTRANS capacity building concepts and tools are jointly developed on the basis of stakeholder consultations, cooperation, and international exchange of concepts, ideas, and experience.

Knowledge to warm at home

The booklet is a result of a project "Knowledge to warm at home". Following the requirements of the EU directives and national needs, recently energy poverty has been recognized as a growing problem in Croatia. There are several levels of work on its reduction. Booklet was a tool helping the Croatian county most affected by poverty, as well as the resulting energy poverty. Civil society organizations active in this county expressed willingness to deal with this problem but lacked capacities to resolve it.

Duurzaamheidsmeter Wijken (DZM Wijken), Belgium

The Duurzaamheidsmeter Wijken (DZM Wijken, Sustainability Meter for Neighborhoods) is a tool created by the Flemish government to support the planning, design, and implementation of a new sustainable (residential) neighborhood, and measure its sustainability. The tool can be used by the local government or a project developed.

Project office for building renovation, Slovenia

Energy renovation of existing buildings is one of the priorities within the development of sustainable use of energy. Due to the importance and the size of the task, the Ministry of Infrastructure (MZI) in Slovenia established an Office for energy renovation of buildings in October of 2015. The office consists of experts from the fields of construction, engineering, law, and economics, which together manage all aspects of this measure.