August 8, 2018

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the INTENSSS-PA  project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

The objective of the database is the organization and presentation of the collected case studies and training materials and of the materials and results developed within the framework of INTENSSS-PA project in a structured and systematic way.

Specifically, the aim of the database is fourfold:

  • To be utilized as the main capacity building and dissemination tool by the public authorities and the various stakeholder groups in the field of the integrated sustainable energy planning in order to communicate and spread effectively both of the collected and produced knowledge.
  • To assist the establishment and operation of the Regional Living Labs.
  • To support the implementation of the co-planning procedures according to the area-based integrated sustainable energy concepts including all the foreseen approaches and types of analysis.
  • To facilitate the development of holistic energy plans taking into consideration the spatial planning and the socioeconomic landscape.

The structure of the database consists of three different pillars demonstrating the identified in the literature case studies, the training materials and the INTENSSS-PA project produced outcomes.