August 20, 2018

The following tool has been developed in the frame of the GreenS project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.

This part of the project work aims to systematically and strategically insert Green Public Procurement (GPP) in public purchasing decisions (= GPP institutionalisation).

To achieve this Regional and Local Energy Agencies (partners) will have the support of so called GPP Support Units (G.PP.S). G.PP.Ss are selected people who will receive sufficient training to carry out GPP training and raise awareness on green public purchasing.

How will the GreenS project implement the institutionalization of GPP?

  • GPP Training material: comprehensive training materials 
  • GPP Multiplier seminar
  • G.PP.S trainings
  • Webinars
  • E-learning platform for further GPP capacity building 
  • GPP trainings: each partner (G.PP.S) will carry out 6 x 1-2-day trainings for 10-20 procurers
  • Synergies with similar projects and initiatives whenever possible

The aims of the project are to be achieved by the following activities, that will be carried out by an European consortium of 14 partners from 8 EU countries:

  • Analysis of best/bad practices in GPP implementation and identification of the main necessities, obstacles and issues faced by the public authorities
  • Trainings for trainers and for public procurement experts will be carried out throughout the partner countries. The training materials will be elaborated by the project consortium and an e-learning platform will enable continuous capacity building.
  • Each region will be equipped with a training and capacity building programme as well as with a concept for institutionalization of the GPP training
  • Green Public Procurement Supporters units will be established within the partner energy agencies, which staff will be trained to give technical support to public authorities in the field of GPPs
  • Steering Committees with main stakeholders will be created and will be actively involved in development of strategies, identification of obstacles to GPP process and for creation of policy recommendations
  • A database with technical templates will be created and pilot GPP procedures will be carried out by 21 public administrations, with the active support of GreenS experts.

The GreenS consortium is structured by seven Energy Agencies, and 7 institutional bodies thus ensuring the multilevel cooperation and policy improvement in the GPP area.