April 11, 2018

This 4-page PDF document contains a compilation of frequently asked questions and answers on streetlight refurbishment with EPC (Energy Performance Contract). the questions were compiled by the EPC facilitation services set un in the context of the Streetlight-EPC project. The EU-Project Streetlight-EPC, funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, ran from April 2014 to March 2017 with the objective of triggering the market uptake of EPC through street lighting refurbishment projects. The FAQs are available in English and can be downloaded from the project website. The FAQs have also been adapted and translated for the 9 project regions (Upper Austria, North-West Croatia, South Bohemia/Czech Republic, Pomerania/Poland, Carlow & Kilkenny County/Ireland, South East Sweden, Podravje/Slovenia, Macedonia, North & Central Spain).

FAQs are also available in Croatian, Czech, Polish, Swedish, Slovenian, Macedonian and Spanish on the Streetlight-EPC website: www.streetlight-epc.eu/publications-events/.

The general topics addressed in the FAQs can be helpful for all regions and countries that are trying to develop their EPC market or implement streetlight refurbishment projects with EPC. The FAQs have already been adapted and translated for 9 regions (Upper Austria, North-West Croatia, South Bohemia/Czech Republic, Pomerania/Poland, Carlow & Kilkenny County/Ireland, South East Sweden, Podravje/Slovenia, Macedonia, North & Central Spain) and are available on the Streetlight-EPC website: http://www.streetlight-epc.eu/publications-events/. Since the tool addresses mostly general questions about streetlight-EPC, it can be quite easily adapted for use in further regions/languages. Procurement regulations and EPC practices in your regions need to be considered when adapting the tool.
Needs Addressed
• there are no tools/frameworks in place to assist the public sector in the procurement of energy efficient building, products and services (art. 6)
• lack of in-house expertise about technical tools (art. 17)
• absence of support organisations in your territory addressing energy efficiency matters (art. 17)
• support organisations have unsufficient competency and knowledge (art. 17)
• lack of information on best practices for energy performance contracting, including, if available, cost- benefit analysis using a life-cycle approach (art. 18)
Validation/testing information
OÖ Energiesparverband - office@esv.or.at