October 10, 2017

The research topic of this Guidebook is the adjustment of the local budgets in order for them to become supportive of the energy efficiency projects in public services. The main goal of the research was to provide suggestions and recommendations based on analysis of the current situation in Croatia and the comparative review of the experience of selected countries. The study provides suggestions and recommendations for the appropriate treatment of financial savings resulting from the increase in energy efficiency, during the process of planning, execution, and control of the budget of local and regional governments in Croatia. The study was developed through support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP Croatia).

These materials were developed under UNDP Croatia Project „Removing Barriers to Energy Efficiency in Croatia“, financed by GEF and implemented in Croatia. All the materials can be updated and translated and the right for use can be obtained at no charge.
Needs Addressed
• energy audits doesn't include both technical and financial feasibility assessments (art. 8)
• the recommended actions from the energy audits completed are not implemented (art. 8)
• there isn't any programme to implement energy management systems in the public sector at national regional or local level (art. 8)
• insufficient information on training possibilities (art. 17)
• insufficient information on financial tools (art. 17)
• lack of in-house expertise about financial tools (art. 17)
• absence of guidelines & handbooks supporting energy efficiency measures development (art. 17)
• absence of support organisations in your territory addressing energy efficiency matters (art. 17)
• support organisations have unsufficient competency and knowledge (art. 17)
• inadequate information on best energy efficiency practices (art. 17)
Validation/testing information
Dean Smolar (dean.smolar@cei.hr)