August 6, 2017

11 energy-saving assessment methodologies are used to assess the amount of energy saved as a result of the implementation of specific energy efficiency measures. They include a mechanism to allocate energy savings to each year of the lifetime of the measure concerned.
The methodologies take a ‘bottom up’ approach. This enables the energy saved to be determined by measuring and/or calculating energy consumption before and after implementation of the measures concerned, having made standardized adjustments based on the impact of the specific climate conditions on energy use. The energy savings are calculated and measured in kgoe or kWh. 

Energy efficiency targers are different for the different countries. Also the emissions factors are different.
Needs Addressed
• there isn't any programme for conducting energy audits in the public sector at national regional or local level (art. 8)
• there isn't any quality assurance scheme in place for energy audits (art. 8)
• insufficient information on training possibilities (art. 17)
• insufficient information on technical tools (art. 17)
• lack of in-house expertise about technical tools (art. 17)
• absence of other tools supporting energy efficiency measures development (art. 17)
• absence of support organisations in your territory addressing energy efficiency matters (art. 17)
• support organisations have unsufficient competency and knowledge (art. 17)
Validation/testing information
Tsvetomira Kulevska (