Facilitation of Energy Project Investment in Local Authorities, Ireland

The programme offers a solution to LA struggling to gain investment in energy projects. It adds a structure to energy project assessment with performance indicators and financial models. This innovative funding solution operates such that the Energy Conservation Budget is utilised with an internal Energy Performance Contract (EPC). This is equivalent to an Internal ESCO (Energy Services Company).

Energiebenchmark gemeentelijk vastgoed, Netherlands

The 'energiebenchmark gemeentelijk vastgoed' (energy benchmark for municipal real estate) aims to provide insights in the energy use of municipality-owned buildings, in order to facilitate the strategic steering of policy on the basis of sustainability criteria. The benchmark allows to test and account for the sustainability policy of the municipality. By being able to compare energy use of municipal buildings (e.g. offices, sports centers, and swimming pools) to that in other municipalities, they are better able to improve the sustainability.

EPCheck (version 4.02), Netherlands

The EPCheck software helps in a simple way to check whether an EPC calculation doesn't contain major errors. The EPC (energieprestatiecoëfficiënt) is an index that determines the energetic efficiency of buildings. The EPCheck programme can help with checking calculations of housing as well as utility buildings, following norm NEN 7120:2011 for the energy performance of buildings.