Energy retrofitting of Public Buildings, Attiki, Greece

The implementation of the “Exoikonomo” program is in the main part of the national energy strategy in the

Energy Data Collection - Good practices (MESHARTILITY), EU

"This document is delivered according to project co-funded by the IEE, MESHARTILITY (measurement and data distribution utilities for the Covenant of Mayors). Based on the findings made in the project and changes in the course of it, this document offers recommendations to facilitate the efficient exchange of data between utilities and local authorities. This report focuses on the experiences and lessons learned from the project through participation of municipalities, utility providers and support structures.

RE-SEEties energy forecasting tool

The RE-SEEties tool is a set of energy forecasting equations that was developed by CRES in the framework of the RE-SEEties project (SEE Programme). Its aim is to estimate future energy needs which can be fed into the ICLEI tool in order to calculate emissions also for future years. For the residential, commercial and transport sectors a series of equations have been developed by CRES to estimate future needs. If necessary longer term projections correction of emission factors may also be provided.

INSMART City Energy System Model

 The INSMART methodology was developed in the INSMART FP7 Smart City project. The objective is to use a scientifically sound approach in developing Sustainable Energy Action plans a city level. The methodology covers all the energy consumption sectors within a city (buildings, transport, municipal buildings, other uses) and local energy generation (solar water heaters, PV systems etc).

EnPC-INTRANS training material-model contracts

The objective of the EnPC-INTRANS is to develop local capacities of the public sector at the level of municipalities to set up and use EnPC models for financing of their investments in EE improvements of public municipalities and services. EnPC-INTRANS capacity building concepts and tools are jointly developed on the basis of stakeholder consultations, cooperation, and international exchange of concepts, ideas, and experience.


 ENERFUND is a tool that will rate and score deep renovation opportunities. Similar to the credit score used by banks to rate clients. The tool will be based on a set of parameters such as EPC data, number of certified installers, governmental schemes running, etc. By providing a rating for deep renovation opportunities ,  whether for private establishments or for public buildings :

Ghidul de Acces la Date pentru SEAP

"Energy data is crucial for identifying trends in the economic priority sectors to target energy policies and to ensure energy efficiency improvements and increased renewable energy deployment. These measures can then be built in to sustainable energy policies and plans, and their national and local implementation progress can be monitored periodically.

The Data Access Guidebook for Sustainable Energy Action Plans has been developed for:

Green Public Procurement (GPP) technical database

The Green Public Procurement technical database is a database with template of technical terms for purchase of green products/services. The templates were developed in compliance with the public authorities’ needs and with the specific requirements in each partner country. The tender documents templates are designed to facilitate the GPP process in all public authorities and especially in the Covenant of Mayors’ signatories, which commit to achieve higher than average results in their SEAPs.

Covenant capaCITY SEAP training tool

Capacity building of local government to take action regarding climate change and energy sources - from planning and action monitoring - is the primary goal of this tool. Capacity Covenant assumes development of communities powered by renewable energy across Europe. This support helps create chains of added value at regional level through improving energy efficiency and using renewable local energy sources.