REACH – Reduce Energy Use and Change Habits, Croatia

REACH project aims to empower energy poor households to take actions to save energy and change their habits in order to improve their living conditions and to establish energy poverty as an issue that demands tailor-made policies and measures at local, national and EU level. The aim of REACH is to contribute to energy poverty abatement at practical and structural level.

Energy management information system (EMIS), Croatia

Implemented by: Agencija za pravni promet i posredovanje nekretninama

Crowdfunding platform project for energy efficiency, Croatia

Implemented by: North-West Croatia Regional Energy

RE-SEEties energy forecasting tool

The RE-SEEties tool is a set of energy forecasting equations that was developed by CRES in the framework of the RE-SEEties project (SEE Programme). Its aim is to estimate future energy needs which can be fed into the ICLEI tool in order to calculate emissions also for future years. For the residential, commercial and transport sectors a series of equations have been developed by CRES to estimate future needs. If necessary longer term projections correction of emission factors may also be provided.

EnPC-INTRANS training material-model contracts

The objective of the EnPC-INTRANS is to develop local capacities of the public sector at the level of municipalities to set up and use EnPC models for financing of their investments in EE improvements of public municipalities and services. EnPC-INTRANS capacity building concepts and tools are jointly developed on the basis of stakeholder consultations, cooperation, and international exchange of concepts, ideas, and experience.

Knowledge to warm at home

The booklet is a result of a project "Knowledge to warm at home". Following the requirements of the EU directives and national needs, recently energy poverty has been recognized as a growing problem in Croatia. There are several levels of work on its reduction. Booklet was a tool helping the Croatian county most affected by poverty, as well as the resulting energy poverty. Civil society organizations active in this county expressed willingness to deal with this problem but lacked capacities to resolve it.

SMiV – System for Monitoring and Verification, Croatia

Implemented by: Center for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy (CEI)

Covenant capaCITY SEAP training tool

Capacity building of local government to take action regarding climate change and energy sources - from planning and action monitoring - is the primary goal of this tool. Capacity Covenant assumes development of communities powered by renewable energy across Europe. This support helps create chains of added value at regional level through improving energy efficiency and using renewable local energy sources.

Project office for building renovation, Slovenia

Energy renovation of existing buildings is one of the priorities within the development of sustainable use of energy. Due to the importance and the size of the task, the Ministry of Infrastructure (MZI) in Slovenia established an Office for energy renovation of buildings in October of 2015. The office consists of experts from the fields of construction, engineering, law, and economics, which together manage all aspects of this measure.

Green calculations - A plus for you and two pluses for the environment, Croatia

“Green calculations - A plus for you and two pluses for the environment” was a Croatian Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund's public call and campaign aimed at households. The measures to achieve energy savings in homes are one of the major guidelines of European as well as the national energy policy. Most modern households own a series of electric household appliances. In the energy consumption of households, the consumption of household appliances in 20%. In Croatia, there are about 180,000 appliances sold every year.