EnPC-INTRANS training material-model contracts

The objective of the EnPC-INTRANS is to develop local capacities of the public sector at the level of municipalities to set up and use EnPC models for financing of their investments in EE improvements of public municipalities and services. EnPC-INTRANS capacity building concepts and tools are jointly developed on the basis of stakeholder consultations, cooperation, and international exchange of concepts, ideas, and experience.

Standard EPC documents

"The Energy Performance Contract between ESCO and building owner usually contains guarantees for energy (cost) savings and regulates allocation of financial and technical risks for implementation and operation during the entire project duration of typically 5 to 5 years. Since there are various European model contracts and different approaches for EPC the EESI project defines not ONE European model contract but the main distinguishing features of Energy Performance Contracts and makes different proven model documents available.

The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System (TIMES)

TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System) is an economic model generator for local, national or multi -regional energy systems, which provides a technology-rich basis for estimating energy dynamics over a long-term. It is applied to the analysis of the energy sector, but may also applied to study in detail single sectors. Reference case estimates of end-use energy service demands are provided by the user for each region.

Covenant capaCITY SEAP training tool

Capacity building of local government to take action regarding climate change and energy sources - from planning and action monitoring - is the primary goal of this tool. Capacity Covenant assumes development of communities powered by renewable energy across Europe. This support helps create chains of added value at regional level through improving energy efficiency and using renewable local energy sources.