Energy Data Collection - Good practices (MESHARTILITY), EU

"This document is delivered according to project co-funded by the IEE, MESHARTILITY (measurement and data distribution utilities for the Covenant of Mayors). Based on the findings made in the project and changes in the course of it, this document offers recommendations to facilitate the efficient exchange of data between utilities and local authorities. This report focuses on the experiences and lessons learned from the project through participation of municipalities, utility providers and support structures.

RETscreen, Canada

RETScreen® International is a free, universal tool developed in collaboration with many government, industry and university experts. The program is managed and has ongoing support from Canmore ENERGY at the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources. On the territory of Poland, training for users is led by the Foundation for Energy Efficiency. The organization is the translator of educational materials available at There is also a free e-learning course available at

Municipal energy consumption calculator, Bulgaria

The calculator for municipal energy consumption developed by Energy Agency of Plovdiv is a software tool, based on Excel, to support local authorities in calculation of total municipal energy consumption and energy costs. This tool gives opportunity to separate energy consumption:
- by sectors- public sector, public administration, transport, industry, agriculture sector, health and social care, households, tourism;
- by energy sources and monetary value.

Energiebenchmark gemeentelijk vastgoed, Netherlands

The 'energiebenchmark gemeentelijk vastgoed' (energy benchmark for municipal real estate) aims to provide insights in the energy use of municipality-owned buildings, in order to facilitate the strategic steering of policy on the basis of sustainability criteria. The benchmark allows to test and account for the sustainability policy of the municipality. By being able to compare energy use of municipal buildings (e.g. offices, sports centers, and swimming pools) to that in other municipalities, they are better able to improve the sustainability.

Covenant capaCITY SEAP training tool

Capacity building of local government to take action regarding climate change and energy sources - from planning and action monitoring - is the primary goal of this tool. Capacity Covenant assumes development of communities powered by renewable energy across Europe. This support helps create chains of added value at regional level through improving energy efficiency and using renewable local energy sources.

EPCheck (version 4.02), Netherlands

The EPCheck software helps in a simple way to check whether an EPC calculation doesn't contain major errors. The EPC (energieprestatiecoëfficiënt) is an index that determines the energetic efficiency of buildings. The EPCheck programme can help with checking calculations of housing as well as utility buildings, following norm NEN 7120:2011 for the energy performance of buildings.