April 30, 2018

REACH project aims to empower energy poor households to take actions to save energy and change their habits in order to improve their living conditions and to establish energy poverty as an issue that demands tailor-made policies and measures at local, national and EU level. The aim of REACH is to contribute to energy poverty abatement at practical and structural level. Target audience were the energy poor households, local actors that can help address the energy poverty (social care/support services, local authorities, social advisors, schools, local energy providers, building manager) and local, national and EU level decision-makers.  Through the project pilot actions, concrete measures have been tested and important data on energy consumption habits and living conditions have been gathered in the field. Project partners succeeded to familiarize decision-makers with energy poverty as a large scale problem which effects health and well-being of the citizens of Croatia and other countries involved in REACH project as well as the fact that decision-makers are now willing to act upon it.

Society for Sustainable Development Design (DOOR), Trg kralja Petra Krešimira IV, 2/II, HR - 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: info@door.hr
Economic effect
Through the project pilot actions, concrete measures have been tested and important data on energy consumption habits and living conditions have been gathered in the field.
Lessons learnt
TRANSFERABILITY: YES, at the national, regional and local level.
• Consumer information and empowering programme (Art. 12)
• lack of in-house expertise about communication (Art. 12)