April 30, 2018

In accordance with its Community Strategic Guidelines, on 26 September 2007 the European Union approved a major development programme for Bulgaria for the period 2007-2013 entitled “Operational Program for the Development of Competitiveness of the Economy Bulgarian”. This programme provided support for the entire national territory in the context of the Convergence objective. This operational programme is in line with the objectives of the Lisbon Agenda 2000 and the Community strategic guidelines for economic, social and territorial cohesion. In addition, the Operational Programme contributed to the achievement of the EU’s horizontal objectives, namely the protection of the environment, equal opportunities and the development of the information society. 

Stoyan Dimitrov, Chair of the Management Board, e-mail: office@greensynergycluster.eu
Tel: + 359 876 79 96 80
Stoyan Dimitrov, Chair of the Management Board, e-mail: office@greensynergycluster.eu
Tel: + 359 876 79 96 80
Lessons learnt
TRANSFERABILITY: YES, at the national level.
• Insufficient information on legal and administrative aspects (Art. 17)
• Insufficient information on energy technologies (Art. 17)
• Insufficient information on financial tools (Art. 17)
• Insufficient information on technical tools (Art. 17)
• absence of guidelines & handbooks supporting EE measures development (Art. 17)
• inadequate information on best energy efficiency practices (Art. 17)
• absence of support organizations in your territory addressing energy efficiency matters (Art. 17)
• insufficient in-house expertise about legal and administrative aspects (Art. 17)
• Insufficient in-house expertise about energy technologies (Art. 17)
• Insufficient in-house expertise about financial tools (Art. 17)
• Insufficient in-house expertise about technical tools (Art. 17)