April 30, 2018

It is crucial to motivate citizens already at an early age to adopt energy efficient behaviours –especially children can then e.g. motivate their parents at home to do the same and follow what they have learnt in school. The Intelligent Energy  Europe-funded EURONET 50/50 project was an initiative that  aimed to unlock  energy  saving  in  schools  by  educating  students and  through them  their  families,  in  order  to  ensure that current  and future  generations consume  energy  responsibly.  Students were encouraged to save energy through financial benefits - half of the saved amount was handed over for the purposes of the school. As the EU funding has ended, Bielsko-Biala now wants to encourage the replication of this project through firstly its contact to Polish local authorities in the PNEC network (Polish Network Energy Cities), and then subsequently through its international cooperation with 49 cities all across Europe.

Implemented by: The Association of Municipalities Polish Network „Energie Cités” (PNEC)
Maria Stankiewicz, PNEC expert for Bielsko-Biala, e-mail: biuro@pnec.pl
Funding description
As the EU funding has ended, Bielsko-Biala now wants to encourage the replication of this project
Lessons learnt
TRANSFERABILITY: YES, at the local level.
• Consumer information and empowering programme (Art. 12)
• Insufficient information on training possibilities (Art. 17)
• Insufficient in-house expertise about training (Art. 17)
• lack of in-house expertise about communication (Art. 12)